NAME Mobile NUMBER Calculate Lab Test Price Anti CCP Amylase Test Anti -DS- DNA Blood Urea Anti HAV-IGM-(Anti hepatitis A Virus Anti HBcg-IgM-(Anti hepatitis B core Antigen Anti HBcAg-(Anti hepatitis B core Antigen Anti HCV-IGM-( Hepatitis C Virus Anti HCV-IgG-( Hepatitis C Virus Anti HCV--( Anti Hepatits C Virus Anti HCV--LgM( Anti Hepatits E Virus ALA -Anti Phospholipid Antibody - LgG ALA -Anti Phospholipid Antibody - LgM ALA -Alpha -1 -Anti-trypsin Anti TPA ( Treponema Pallidum Antibody ) Anti - TSH - R ( TSH Receptor Antibodies AMA - Anti Microsomal Antinody ANA - Anti Nuclear Antinody Anti - Tg (Thyroglobulin) Antibodies (Ab) BUN - Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN - Blood Urea Nitrogen Bilirubin -Direct Beta HCG Beta HCG Calcium CBC Chikunguniya IgG/IgM - Rapid Test Calcitonin Creatinine CRP Direct Coombs Test Dengue IgM & IgG Dengue NS1 ESR Free T4 Free T3 Free Testosterone FSH Ferritin FBSL GGT - Gama Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Hemoglobin HbA1c Hepatitis A Virus Antibody - IgM HBsAg - Hepatitis B Surface Antigen HIV - Western Blot HIV I and II HS-CRP Indirect Coombs Test LFT Lipid profile Lipase LH - Lutenising Hormone Magnesium Manganese PBS - Peripheral Blood Smear Platelet Count Pregnancy Test Progesterone Prolactin PSA PT (Prothrombin Time) RBSL Reticulocyte count % RF (Rheumatoid Factor) RFT SGOT SMP Testosterones TFT Total Cholesterol Total IgE Total T4 Total T3 Transferrin TPHA - (Treponema Pallidum Haemaglutination) TSH - Ultrasensitive TSH Typhoid Test Uric acid Urine Analysis (RM) Urine - Culture & Sensitivity VDRL (RPR) Vit D Vit D & B12 VITAMIN B-12 WIDAL (Typhoid) Zinc SGPT FBSL Total_price: 0.00 BOOK NOW PAY AT CLINIC Lab Diagnostics In association with Thyrocare TIME Mon - Sat 8 am to 11 am